Tag: Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

Thanksgiving Jokes Images | Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids | Funny Thanksgiving Jokes 2024

Thanksgiving Jokes: Thanksgiving Day can also be celebrated with funny moments and jokes. Here on this day rather than celebrating a sentimental touch funny celebrations can also be made. The entire family will be waiting for you in the roundtable and it is the right time to thank all of the people for the great Thanksgiving dinner. A bonding relationship will be created during the time of situations created so this is a wonderful moment to thank your family with your gratitude. During this time you can even make funny jokes for enjoyment which will make you relax and forget all the worries.

Happy Thanksgiving Jokes will also welcome humorous nature and it will enjoy the nature of home family. Sharing messages and greetings you can also share Thanksgiving jokes between people. There are tons and tons of jokes and riddles available on the internet resources you can choose the best one as per your choice for the situation.

Thanksgiving Jokes

The greatest collections are available You can choose the best Thanksgiving jokes that will perfectly apply to your situation it may be of any type. During the time of Thanksgiving Day expressing your gratitude will be a heartfelt moment for the person who receives it. There may be multiple numbers of people you have met in the past years. They might have helped you in many situations and sometimes they would be a person you will always be in your tight situations. You should never forget those people who have helped you during the time of situations you are in difficult times. It is the perfect time to talk to those people and express your gratitude towards them in a heartfelt moment.

Thanksgiving Jokes

Thanksgiving Jokes

Q: If pilgrims travel on the Mayflower, then what do college students travel on?
A: The Scholar Ships.

Q: Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field!

Q: Why don’t you put the turkey near the corn?
A: Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.

Happy Thanksgiving Jokes

Here when you show your gratitude towards that person they will be very grateful to you and the love you express towards them will be a heartfelt moment for the situation. Thanksgiving Day celebration is celebrated in the countries of Canada and the USA. It is a big celebration and also it has been declared a national holiday. During this day the people celebrate in a traditional manner the preparing plenty of traditional foods which will be a reunion of the family members. It is one of the greatest celebrations where even kids and elderly people happily celebrate with fun and joy moments.

Happy Thanksgiving Jokes

Happy Thanksgiving Jokes

Q : If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring?
A : Pilgrims!

Q: Why do turkeys always go, “gobble, gobble”?
A: Because they never learned good table manners!

Q: What happened to the Pilgrim who was shot at by an Indian?
A: He had an arrow escape.

Q. Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field on Thanksgiving Day?
A. He wanted mashed potatoes.

Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

During this wonderful moment, many people plan for Thanksgiving Day parties in which they prepare delicious food and we’ll have dinner with their dearest ones. At this moment they find time to share their past and present situations with their family members. To celebrate this thankful day there are many reasons to express love and happiness on this wonderful holiday celebration. You should never forget to thank the special persons in your life it is one of the best and perfect times to thank each and every person who has been with you always in your life. To celebrate this holiday Thanksgiving Day with fun, joy, sweet memories, and a great memorable moment of the year.

Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

  1. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims

  2. Why do the Pilgrims have trouble keeping their pants on?Because their belt buckles are on their hats!

  3. If the pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Their age!

  4. What do you call a Pilgrim’s vocabulary?Pilgrammar

Thanks for reading this post. You can choose the above Thanksgiving Jokes & send/; share them with your friends & family members on this Thanksgiving Day 2024!